Saturday, December 5, 2009

December Trail Maintenance

Mitchell Ridge Trail Maintenance,
December 5th 2009

Although it has nothing to do with trail maintenance, I could not resist old Houston jail with its Christmas bow!

The snow was pretty as we drove up FS road 208, on our way to the Braziel trailhead.

It was melting fast in the treetops, so we stopped along 208 for a shot of the road. As we turned left onto Forest Rd 223 we noticed Danny behind us. Shortly after we arrived, Foster and Charlie drove in. Since there were only a few of us we left the come-along and took hand pruners, a bow saw, the one-man crosscut and the ax. The one-man saw actually converts to a two-man saw by means of a metal pin and second wooden handle. This is a very handy and efficient tool.

We waited for a few minutes in case anyone else volunteered (where were you?) and left around ten after eight. I stopped to photograph the guys at the trailhead.

Last month we had started at the south end where the scenery is more dramatic. However the north end of the trail with the snow covering everything was gorgeous. We found three large trees down and cleared them up by the time the snow had vanished.

Come join us next month if you’d like some good old-fashioned exercise. We’ll be there!